Zexus Top Roller Chain

Top roller chains facilitate direct goods placement on top rollers, enabling uninterrupted movement with stored cargo.

Zexus Top Roller Chain

Fitted with top-centre rollers, these chains allow direct placement of goods. The chain can move continuously with stored cargo or paused as needed.

The top rollers can also be made of plastic.

Zexus Top Roller Chain
Zexus Top Roller Chain
Chain No. Pitch P (mm) Top Roller Pin Length Link Plate Center Height B (mm) Mass (kg/m)
Outer Diameter Width Height H (mm) Thickness T (mm) Plastic Roller Steel Roller
R (mm) R1 (mm) E (mm) L1 (mm) L2 (mm) every Link every 2nd every Link every 2nd
40 12.70 11.0 15.88 7.95 8.2 9.1 11.7 1.5 12.7 0.92 0.85 1.83 1.41
50 15.875 15.0 19.05 9.53 10.3 11.6 14.6 2.0 15.9 1.56 1.38 2.39 2.18
60 19.05 18.0 22.23 12.70 12.7 13.9 17.5 2.4 18.3 2.30 2.03 3.60 3.18
80 25.40 24.0 28.58 15.88 16.2 18.8 23.4 3.2 24.6 3.90 3.44 6.09 5.27
100 31.75 30.0 39.67 19.10 19.6 23.2 29.3 4.0 31.8 6.06 5.41 9.30 8.85
C2040 25.40 15.88 7.95 8.2 10.3 11.4 1.5 15.0 0.86 1.29
C2050 31.75 19.05 9.30 10.3 11.6 15.0 2.0 19.0 1.37 1.98
C2060H 38.10 22.23 12.70 14.4 16.7 17.0 3.2 23.0 2.63 3.57
C2080H 50.80 28.58 15.88 17.8 21.1 22.6 4.0 29.0 4.07 5.48
Zexus Top Roller Chain size chart.
Chain No. Average Tensile Strength Maximum Allowable Load Allowable Load per 1 piece of Top Roller
R R1
Plastic Roller Steel Roller Plastic Roller Steel Roller
(kN) (kgf) (kN) (kgf) (kN) (kgf) (kN) (kgf) (kN) (kgf) (kN) (kgf)
40 16.7 1700 2.64 270 0.03 3 0.1 10 0.05 5 0.15 15
50 27.5 2800 4.31 440 0.05 5 0.12 12 0.07 7 0.20 20
60 40.2 4100 6.27 640 0.10 10 0.20 20 0.10 10 0.29 30
80 68.7 7000 10.6 1090 0.15 15 0.34 35 0.18 18 0.54 55
100 108.0 11000 17.0 1740 0.22 22 0.54 55 0.29 30 0.78 80
C2040 16.7 1700 2.64 270 0.05 5 0.15 15
C2050 27.5 2800 4.31 440 0.07 7 0.20 20
C2060H 40.2 4100 6.27 640 0.10 10 0.29 30
C2080H 68.7 7000 10.6 1090 0.18 18 0.54 55
Zexus Top Roller Chain size chart.


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