Stieber Centrifugal Lift-Off Sprags Freewheels RSRV RSRT
In this type of freewheel, the two races are cylindrical. This is most suitable as backstops, and mostly the contact-free versions.

Stiebers RSRV and RSRT range of clutches are centrifugally lift-off sprag type high speed backstops with integral torque limiter. The high quality oil through-impregnated friction linings ensure a consistent and reliable slip torque even when not in operation for a long length of time. The slip torque is factory pre-set to the application requirements.
These assemblies are primarily intended for installation on multiple drives where two or more backstops share the reverse load, such as on large inclined conveyors.
The RSRV is the pure load-sharing version. No maintenance and adjustments are necessary. The RSRT however, can be progressively released under load by a mechanical device. These units are not bearing supported internally. The outer member must be centred on the machine housing.