Centaflex A Coupling
Chain & Drives supply the market leading Centaflex A Series coupling assemblies.

These donut couplings are used in many applications including:- Mobile Equipment – Marine Drives – Rail – Pump Sets – Power Generation – Petrol & Diesel Drive Applications
Centaflex A Series coupling offers high flexibility and misalignment capabilities. They provide elimination of harmonic vibration greatly improving the service life of your drive, plant and equipment.
Based on a highly elastic rubber element subject only to compressive stress. Extremely high-performing design with high torsional elasticity. Dampens torsional vibrations and shocks and compensates considerable axial, radial and angular misalignments. Electrically insulating and thermally resistant in silicon design. For rupture-proof and backlash-free transmission of high torques.
Available as axially blind fitting design with radial mount ability. Rubber element available as split element for quick replacement. Easy handling and mountable with minimum effort. In various lengths adaptable to the installation requirements if applied as homokinetic shaft. Also available as carbon-fibre or glass-fibre designs.
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